Friday, March 19, 2010

Blah Blah Blog - Help me pick a name

It has been over a week since my last post due to a serious role change at work but Coach Dutton will keep on kicking! Due to an overload of responsibilities I will have to cut the blog posts to once a week. That being said we have also decided to drop the proposed name of Black Biscuit Hockey due to legal issues. So, a new name must be picked asap! So far, my favorites are Hockey Ninja, Hockey Hooligans, BDuts Hockey Shack, One Stop Hockey Shop, The Dangler, Backhanders, Pipe Ringers, Fisticuffs, Dump and Chase, Goons Hockey Shop, and last but not least...Dutton Lumber (my grandfather owned a lumber company called Dutton Lumber). Thoughts?

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