Thursday, May 19, 2011

Life is a party and you're all invited

I enjoy blogging. Putting my thoughts and ideas out into the world for others to enjoy or hate, whatever incites a reaction. I also enjoy helping people. I have done it in most of my jobs from social work to sales (yes selling people solutions that protect them or make them more efficient is helping) to volunteering on my own time. I’ve had ideas in the past and created very specific blogs including hockey advocacy to weight loss/work out programs because I thought sharing would be beneficial. I have come to the conclusion that I need to generalize and create a platform where I can express all my ideas in one place. So for those few avid followers and hopefully some newbies, welcome to my new and improved blog! I will not hold myself accountable for weekly submissions but I will be here from time to time talking about multiple topics. My epiphany this time comes from a blog written by my good friend Corey Farrell. Now I know he wasn’t writing about me but his words really moved me. I am that guy! I don’t know how or when it happened but if you know me outside of social media, you would know I love to solve problems and I have this unbelievable network of people from across the globe. I have an uncanny ability to make friends (off the ice anyways) and keep them for a lifetime. It’s not because I am great at remembering birthdays or because I call them once a month. It’s because I generally care about people. I make eye contact, wave, shake hands, tell stories, catch up with people I have not seen in years and converse with total strangers at the airport. Here’s a scenario for you. I ran into a childhood friend a few months ago. He has no idea I am driving traffic to his blog. I support him because he is passionate about something and I would love to help! Check him out… I want to see people succeed in life and I enjoy helping them down that path. I am not telling you this to brag or boost my ego, I really do just want to help others live better, more fulfilling lives. So if I ask you to join me in a triathlon, come with me to hockey camp, express concern about your weight, tell you to send me your resume, or just say hello in a vague facebook post…it’s because I am compelled to interact. Life is a party and you’re all invited.

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